Manshanti De-Addiction Centre, Cidco, Nashik (Maharashtra)
Manshanti has a holistic and eclectic approach towards the treatment for Addiction. Our treatment is the combination of medicine, therapies and activities

Manshanti De-Addiction Centre, Cidco, Nashik (Maharashtra)
Acknowledging a problem and deciding to change that situation is a significant first step towards recovery. While dealing with addiction, the thing that has to be kept in mind is no cure, only recovery.

Manshanti De-Addiction Centre, Cidco, Nashik (Maharashtra)
In group therapy, one or more therapists working with several patients at the same time. We are using group therapies to recover patients from addiction.

Manshanti De-Addiction Centre, Cidco, Nashik (Maharashtra)
Art therapy for addiction is a treatment that helps recovering addicts express thoughts and emotions that they may not be able to communicate with words.
How can we help you?
Contact us at the Consulting Manshanti De-Addiction Centre nearest to you or submit a inquiry online.
I entered Manshanti Alcohol and Drug Deaddiction Centre, Cidco Nashik with a heavy heart and a clouded mind, but I emerged with newfound clarity and hope. The compassionate Counselor Madam; Ms. Nikhila Dhadiwal Kothari guided me through every step of my recovery journey, providing unwavering support and understanding. Within the safe and nurturing environment of the centre, I learned invaluable coping mechanisms and rediscovered my inner strength. Today, I stand tall, sober, and grateful for the life-changing experience this centre has granted me. It’s not just a facility; it’s a beacon of light for those seeking a path to recovery.
Dr Vivekananad Ahire,